Walkathon to Fight Human Trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month!
Join Soroptimist’s 30/30 Walk to Stop Human Trafficking Fitness Challenge and Support ProjectLIFE
In lieu of Soroptimist club’s annual Human Trafficking Awareness Walk and Event, this January 2021, Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland launched a “30 Miles in 30 Days” virtual fitness challenge Walkathon to fight against human trafficking. The challenge ends on January 30, 2021. All funds raised through pledges and donations will go to Lifeline Community Services’s Project LIFE Program and Alabaster Jar‘s Grace House.
Lifeline Community Services Project LIFE stands for Living In Freedom from Exploitation. Project LIFE is an advocacy program that provides critical intervention services to individuals who have experienced sex or labor trafficking, domestic servitude, or commercial sexual exploitation. Project LIFE also provides trafficking prevention services for at-risk youth and trafficking awareness training for community members and professionals who may encounter victims.
Whether you choose to walk or run outside, on a treadmill, or ride a real or stationary bike…we only challenge you to cover 30 miles in 30 days in January. This challenge is excellent motivation for you to get in shape while raising money for a good cause. Click on Calendar at right (or below if you’re viewing this on your mobile device) to download your own personal walkathon log sheet/calendar.
Saturday, January 30, 2021 Soroptimist is also hosting a free online webinar featuring guest speakers engaged in the fight against sex trafficking. Click here to register and learn more!