CSF (Community Services for Families)
According to the Centers for Disease Control, at least 1 in 7 children have experienced child abuse and/or neglect in the past year.
Community Services for Families (CSF) provides free in-home family support services that enhance a parent’s ability to promote healthy child development in a stable and nurturing home environment. Families receive assistance resolving crisis and connecting with necessary and appropriate services that will ensure children remain safely in their homes.
Community Services for Families helps parents resolve urgent family issues and connects them with services that ensure children can remain safely in their homes. Services are designed to address the specific needs of each family and can include:
Parent Partners: Families with Child and Family Well-Being cases may be referred to a Parent Partner. They possess a unique perspective and “lived experience,” that allows them to relate to families and provide guidance through the beginning stages of their cases, as well as, help them understand their rights and responsibilities. With this information and support, families can engage in the services that meet their CWS case plan goals.
Parenting Classes: We offer an 8-week court-approved parenting class, with the support of other parents, that is designed to strengthen parenting skills. We utilize Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP), and an evidence-based curriculum, including such topics as Child Development Stages, Understanding Your Child’s Behavior, Alternative Discipline, Effective Communication, and Building Healthy Relationships.
Family Support Clinicians: As requested by CWS, the Family Support Clinician will engage with families who have children of any age and domestic violence as the reason for referral to Clinician services. The Clinician meets with the client to conduct screenings for mental health, alcohol/substance abuse, and domestic violence issues. Interventions are family-centered, strengths-based, and needs-driven with individualized services and support for children, youth, and their families. Clinicians share their recommendations with CWS Social Workers to strengthen family functioning to ensure child safety.
Family Support Partner: In-home case management and parent education. Families may refer themselves or be referred by Child Welfare Services (CWS) for case management services in their homes. A Family Support Partner will work directly with families to increase and enhance parenting skills, meet children’s primary needs, and provide them with resources. This program will also benefit parents who are feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or alone, and would just like to improve their parenting skills. We also offer an intensive, evidence-based parenting education curriculum SafeC-are that focuses on health, home safety, and parent-child interaction.
Parenting Classes: We offer an 8-week court-approved parenting class, with the support of other parents, that is designed to strengthen parenting skills. We utilize Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP), and an evidence-based curriculum, including such topics as Child Development Stages, Understanding Your Child’s Behavior, Alternative Discipline, Effective Communication, and Building Healthy Relationships.
Family Support Clinicians: As requested by CWS, the Family Support Clinician will engage with families who have children of any age and domestic violence as the reason for referral to Clinician services. The Clinician meets with the client to conduct screenings for mental health, alcohol/substance abuse, and domestic violence issues. Interventions are family-centered, strengths-based, and needs-driven with individualized services and support for children, youth, and their families. Clinicians share their recommendations with CWS Social Workers to strengthen family functioning to ensure child safety.
Family Support Partner: In-home case management and parent education. Families may refer themselves or be referred by Child Welfare Services (CWS) for case management services in their homes. A Family Support Partner will work directly with families to increase and enhance parenting skills, meet children’s primary needs, and provide them with resources. This program will also benefit parents who are feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or alone, and would just like to improve their parenting skills. We also offer an intensive, evidence-based parenting education curriculum SafeC-are that focuses on health, home safety, and parent-child interaction.
Community Services for Families works with parents who have an open or closed Child Welfare Services case as well as any parents who are interested in improving their parenting skills. Core funding for the program is provided by the County of San Diego, Health & Human Services Agency.
Community Services for Families annually serves nearly 430 families; over 95% of parents in the Community Services for Families program improved their parenting skills and ability to provide a safe environment for their child/children.
Families who turn to Lifeline for help are often in need of the basics: grocery money, diapers, and transportation. Your support can help parents in need build the skills they need to become happy, resilient families. Please click here to donate today!