Families Shine program
1-760-509-3433THE NEED
Families SHINE is an impactful program that utilizes Functional Family Therapy to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors, with a focus on familial patterns. This essential program looks at the family as a system that can experience improved communication through family therapy. The program is only for at-risk youth on Probation, 12 to 18 years of age, and their families. The youth and their families are in need of additional services to complete Probation, strengthen family relationships, and accomplish their goals. The youth and families (parents, guardians, caregivers, etc.) must be willing to participate in family counseling. The family must be located in San Diego County and be referred by the youth’s Probation Officer through the Community Resource Directory (CRD).PROGRAM SUMMARY
SHINE stands for Strengthen, Hope, Inspire, Nurture and Engage. Lifeline Community Services-Families SHINE Program design stems from the Functional Family Therapy modality, which is an internationally recognized model that is based on best practices and evidence-based principles that was launched in the 1970s. The SHINE program is a home-based therapy program that assists in strengthening adaptive family interactions and assisting at-risk youth in their successful completion of probation through intervention and prevention. Family SHINE addresses complex and multi-dimensional problems through clinical practice that is flexibly structured and culturally sensitive.
Program Services
Serving all of San Diego County, SHINE staff work closely with youth on probation and their families during weekly home-based Family Therapy sessions. The focus of each session is to foster positive methods of connection and correct maladaptive patterns of family interactions that contribute to isolation, alienation from the family, substance use, and gang involvement. SHINE staff provide case management that connects the families to available community resources and assists the family in completing their goals. The goals of the program are increased protective factors, improve communication, continued participation in at least one Family Therapy Session per week, and for the youth to have no new arrests. The Program goals include strengthening adaptive family interactions through family therapy, improving the number of successful outcomes within and through the Probation Department, decreasing recidivism and reducing the number of youth in custody.
Who We Help
The program targets youth on probation, 12 to 18 years of age, and their families. The youth and their families are in need of additional services to complete Probation, strengthen family relationships, and accomplish their goals. The youth and families (parents, guardians, caregivers, etc.) must be willing to participate in family counseling. The family must be located in San Diego County and be referred by the youth’s Probation Officer through the Community Resource Directory (CRD).
SHINE staff are Master's level BBS Registered Clinicians who are committed to supporting youth and their families in completing case plan goals. Shine staff are trained in Functional Family Therapy, positive youth development strategies, trauma-informed care, adolescent brain development, and family interventions.
Families SHINE Intake Phone Number: 760-509-3433
How You Can Help

Donate! Families SHINE is made possible through support from the San Diego County Probation Department and our generous donors. Donations help Families SHINE program support youth on probation and their families. Click here to donate today!